8th grade enjoyed trying a different cultures' food, while reading and learning about Anne Frank's Diary. Today we ate "Latke"!
Kell's Junior High classes have been learning "all about drama" this month. Our ELA classes have learned about elements of plays, how to read and understand performances,and then performed in front of live audiences.
Mrs. Kim has made AMAZING meals for Breakfast and Lunch! Pre-K decided to show our head cook some Love, with Hugs and a homemade appreciation card.
The Grinch Stole Christmas play was a success at Kell Grade School! All of the staff and Students went above and beyond to put on The Grinch Play!
How exciting! Our Grant Supported PreK room is being set up to begin next semester. Start date will be Monday, January 8. This will serve up to 20 students age 3-5. Please welcome Ms. Mulvaney as PreK Teacher and Mrs. Boxx as our PreK Classroom Paraprofessional. All supplies, furniture, technology and staff are paid for by PreK Grant Funds!
October We kicked off Red Ribbon week with Drug Free Theme Days! Each day students and staff dressed up with Theme drug free days. One day we had Pj day- Don't let Drugs ruin your Dreams, Dress like a senior Celebrating life and living drug free, Wed Hawaiian Day- LEI off drugs. Thursday Soccer mom and BBQ dad day- Drugs are wack , stay on the right track! Lastly,Halloween-your spooktatular being drug free.
October 31st Kell celebrated Fall with Dressing up and parading through town for Candy!
Enthusiastic Junior high students were paired up with our adorable Kindergartners for "Buddy Reading" ! Almost weekly our students with either read or be read to by the Kindergartners. Junior Highers ask the littles educational questions for peer interaction and assist in both of their learning skills. This is a great opportunity for the younger grades to get to know junior high students and build bonds that will last a . . .
What a fun way to learn about the life of a butterfly! Mrs.Tate's class has been learning the life cycle of Monarch butterflies while watching them grow!